How to Book an On-Site Estimate in Move Right


To book an on-site estimate in MoveRight for a job that has been opened, ensuring accurate scheduling and confirmation for the customer.

Key Steps

  1. Open the job in MoveRight using the new opportunity button, the jobs page, or the search function.
  2. Scroll down to the time-lapse section and click on “add event.”
  3. Change the event type to “OS estimate” (on-site estimate) and click “create event.”
  4. Click on “book” to view available estimators for the selected day.
  5. Select the desired estimator for the on-site estimate appointment.
  6. Confirm the booking by selecting the time slot available for the estimator.
  7. Send a confirmation to the customer regarding the scheduled on-site estimate.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure that the job is opened and ready for scheduling before proceeding with booking the on-site estimate.
  • Double-check the selected time slot to avoid any scheduling conflicts with the estimator’s availability.
  • Be mindful of the time zone displayed in MoveRight to accurately schedule appointments.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Use the search function to quickly locate the job for which you need to book an on-site estimate.
  • Utilize the lock icon to override availability restrictions if necessary for scheduling convenience.
  • Send a prompt confirmation to the customer to keep them informed about the scheduled on-site estimate appointment.